Thursday 23 August 2012

Bad Breath Treatment Naturally

Brush your teeth and rinse your mouth thoroughly after every meal to remove food particle from the mouth. 

When you are brushing your teeth, also brush your tongue. The tongue is covered with thousands of tiny hairs that can trap bacteria.

If your mouth is dry, drink plenty of water. Try swooshing it around in your mouth for at least twenty seconds to loosen any food particles the bacteria can feed upon.

Snacking on vegetables such as raw celery or carrots can keep plaque from forming.
If you are going to an important meeting or on a big date, avoid foods that can cause bad breath, such as onions and garlic.

Avoid alcohol and caffeine consumption, which can dry the mouth.

Quit smoking. Tar and nicotine can build up on the surface of the teeth, tongue and cheeks. It can also dry the mouth and inhibit saliva flow.

Chlorophyll is a natural breath freshener and is found in leafy green vegetables like parsley.A few drops of peppermint or tea tree oil can be applied to the tongue or toothbrush to help freshen the breath. In addition to its refreshing nature, their antibacterial properties will kill the bacteria found in the mouth.

Baking soda has a long history of being used to maintain good oral health and for fighting bad breath. 

Every time after you eat onion,garlic,milk cheese and alcohol brush teeth.

Gather three fresh mint leaves and chew on them. Before heading out to an event or somewhere that you will be speaking with other people, this remedy will remove the negative stench emitting f rom your mouth.

Having a clove in mouth without swallowing will keep mouth freshened and wont allow germs to  stay on teeth

Mixture of  3 tsp baking soda + 4 oz warm water and stir. Goggle the content for 2 minutes in mouth. Repeat the step for 3 times a day.

Have hot Tea without any sweetener every morning and night before sleep. bcos the natural enzymes present in tea will help in removing bad breath. sweeteners and sugar has to be avoided.

Mix half lemon with warm water and gargle for 2 minutes twice a day.

Increasing the proportion of fruit and vegetables in your diet and reducing consumption of meat and dairy products will help to make your mouth an alkaline environment where canker sores and gum infections are less likely to flourish.

Parsley can help to neutralize the mouth and get rid of bad breath. You can either chew parsley leaves or make tea from fresh parsley, allow it to cool and then use it as a mouthwash every few hours.

Fenugreek is another good herbal bad breath remedy. Make tea by steeping the seeds in water, strain and use as a mouthwash or drink to improve the digestion.

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