Steam inhalation is the first and best medicine for nose block.Do not forget to cover your head with towel while taking the steam.
Ginger juice is the oldest and effective remedy to cure nasal problems. soak 5 garlic cloves in water for 10 minutes and paste.This will help in loosen mucus and breath easier.
Vitamin C rich fruits like Oranges, Lemon,Tomatoes(not hybrid) will also be of great help in reducing nasal congestion.
Drink lots of water as much as possible.
Spicy chicken soup also helps in relief from nose block.
aromatherapy can also help to cure a stuffy nose.
Exercise is the best way to activate your body when you have common cold.Don't breath through mouth and keep walking fast.
Intake of spicy food will reduce nasal congestion.
Soup of peppercorns and cumin seeds with salt will be of great help.
Keep drinking boiled warm water.
Goggle throat with warm water and salt for 1 minute continuously to kill germs.
If you are living in cold places or hill stations keep cotton balls in your ears to keep body warm.
Home made nasal spray:
To prepare nasal spray, put a teaspoon of salt in a cup of pure water. Try taking distilled water to ensure that it is free from impurities. Fill this in a clean bottle of nasal spray or you can also make use of a bulb syringe. Now put around 6 to 10 drops of salted water in both the nostrils to clear sinuses and the blocked nose. After this, you will simply wonder if you have really been suffering from a blocked nose. The effectiveness of this home remedy will leave you amazed. A horseradish sauce is also an effective cure for a blocked nose
Real an innovative info on the natural remedies which helps in curing the common cold which is needed and also it may get use, Thanks for the nice sharing of the valuable content.